The details add up to high production was presented by: Dairy farmer Alex Neuenschwander and his veterinarian, Mark Hardesty of the Maria Stein Animal Clinic
With spring just around the corner, and a reminder that the risk for severe injury being almost seven-times greater on farms than all other types of businesses, here are some important, high-impact th
Milk is the most important commodity produced on a dairy farm, and both quality and quantity of that product matter to the farm’s success. This is true for every kind of dairy
The day-to-day tasks of a dairy farm can be enough to fill anyone’s plate. Paired with the physical work, though, is a need to evaluate and utilize whatever data is available
“WILL WE STILL BE FARMING ON MARCH 16?”That’s the question Peggy Holoubek Hainy asked late Friday evening in a message she started writing in all capital letters
We are at the end of the winter, and soon it will be time to start harvesting winter grass forages for silage. Recently, I have been asked whether grass and legume mixtures ensile well
Planting a grain crop like corn or soybeans into a growing cover crop is a practice that is gaining popularity. For dairy and crop farmer Tony Peirick, “planting green” is a concept
A record 8.7 million units of beef semen was sold to U.S. dairy farmers and cattle ranchers last year. That was up 21% over the previous year’s 7.2 million units
Although it is still early to say so definitively, 2022 holds promise as a critical year of progress in the decades-long fight for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
The phrase “carbon markets” gets tossed around often during conversations about sustainability and agriculture, but how many people truly know what a carbon market is
The height of the pandemic in the spring of 2020 and the photos of milk being dumped that splashed across headlines pushed base excess plans imposed by cooperatives to a prominent place
The 2021 milk production data is out. It tells a story of two dairy worlds.With more cows and more milk per cow, U.S. milk production climbed by 1.3% to reach a record 226.3 billion pounds in 2021
January 2022 was the third straight month that U.S. milk production declined — milk pounds down 1.6% compared to last year represented the largest year-over-year loss in nearly 18 years
The way Josh Hiemstra manages the fields surrounding his family’s 170-cow dairy near Brandon, Wis., has changed considerably since he started farming with his parents
While cow numbers in the nation’s dairy herd held steady, dairy farm numbers did not follow the same course. In losing 5.7% of the farms holding a permit to sell milk, dairy farm numbers fell
After seven years of lackluster milk prices, dairy farmers are finally seeing the upswing they have been waiting for in milk checks. This year has started out with a bang